Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Inquiry: ask to know about how

What is Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)?
I've heard and read many thoughts about the definition of IBL, but when I analyzed more and simplified it, it came to the conclusion that IBL = ask to know about how.

I gained lots of information about IBL from videos about IBL and the seven inquiry-based questions in http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/inquiry/index.html. Well, honestly, I didn't read all of it.. =) Mostly I just skimmed the readings, but...... wait the minute! I found one interesting question and the answer contains all principles of IBL. It's the 2nd question, and here is what I got from that page:

One more thing that I found interesting from my reading is the word "think." Somehow, I believe this word becomes the main goal, guidance, and process of IBL. Teachers will want their students to think than to memorize; they will focus on how to make students think when they create IBL; they will also expect the students to do the thinking during the lesson.

When I read Mr. Moursund (2003) book, he also mentioned about IBL has the same foundation as Project Based Learning (p. 37). And then I thought: "of course!" That's why IBL has almost the same principles as PBL. However, it is true that if we wanted to study more about IBL, we would find that IBL focuses on getting the students to get involved in, to have interest in the lesson more, to ask more questions in order to gain more information and knowledge. I think that is why many teachers uses IBL in their science and technology area.

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