Saturday, September 12, 2009

Get to know the PBL and the examples...

--> Personal reflection of the chapter
I like the whole content of chapter 1. It gives me a general, yet describeful information about PBL (especially because of the example). By reading this chapter, I know what I will learn, what kind of environment I will be, what terms I will see a lot in the book, and what prerequisites I need to prepare. Moreover, it is started with a good quote "Even the longest journey begins with a single step" by Lau Tsu, which I think gives a good motivation to start a new knowledge.

Though I don't read many scholar books, but I barely see other authors put their "content introduction" in chapter 1. Mostly they do in the preface, and I think Mr. Moursund understand that some of us won't read preface (me for example.. =D)

--> What I got from the chapter
This part is tooo long, so I decided to put it in the google docs. This tools is so awesome! You can have word processor, spreadsheet, power point.. everything for free!
I've been using it for more than 8 months, and it has helped me a lot.
This is my link to my google docs for chapter 1

--> Activities
P/T Team is important! -> this would be the theme I would use if I were recruited as instructor or work in the education field. I would use my thought and knowledge as I've described above as my background thinking, to ensure the school board that students need to do more than just do regular/traditional learning.

As far as I remember, since I was in kindergarten until I finished my undergraduate study, I had only 1 PBL, which was my final thesis in my undergrad study. Well, I have to admit that it was the education system in my country in my generation. Everything is teacher centered. All I remembered in my junior and high school, what I did was just "study". Teachers taught something, gave homework, gave tests, and I would study and faced the tests. However, at least I still experienced 1 time. In doing final thesis, students are required to find 1 topic, research the topic, find actual sources, do the analysis, create the thesis, and finally present in front of 4 professors, and explain everything if they ask something. For this one, for sure I still remember the whole process. I made Hotel Reservation using Text Message Application, with Delphi 6.0 and SQL Server. I had to research about hotel reservation system, talked with some hotel managers to help me at that time, analyzed how text message works and how it can be implemented to the computer server which connect to the regular hotel application.

--> Other references
Jonassen, D. 2006. Modeling with technology: mindtools for conceptual change. Ohio: Pearson.

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